Tag: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving In Verona: Ariane Duarte’s Mashed Potatoes

What would Thanksgiving be without mashed potatoes? In my family, it would have meant three past Thanksgivings when my children (each at approximately 1...

PBA Helps With Thanksgiving Meals

On Tuesday November 8, members of Verona Police P.B.A. Local 72 hosted a holiday food collection that it intends to make an annual event....

Thanksgiving In Verona: Oyster Stuffing And Cranberry Sauce

Traditional sides to any Thanksgiving meal are usually stuffing and cranberry sauce. What I love about making homemade cranberry sauce is that it can...

Thanksgiving In Verona: Turkey Basics

I love Thanksgiving dinner, and with a little planning it can be one of the easiest meals to make. What can make the meal...

Thanksgiving In Verona

Every year as I plan my Thanksgiving menu, I always start in the same place. My stack of cooking magazines. Fifteen years worth, at...

VHS Freshman Plays In Macy’s Parade

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade definitely is a draw for people in Verona. Ann Gault volunteered as a balloon handler last year, realizing a life-long...
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