Tag: Brookdale Avenue School

Where In Verona Was It?

Thirty-eight weeks is a long time to remember things. So, at the request of Jeff Shilling, we are publishing a list of all the...

Their Hearts Give Hope

In the beginning, it's not much to look at and it's not very big. Just a heart-shaped piece of pottery, about 4 inches across...

Buying A House Near Brookdale

Yes, a brook does run through it, down from the Montclair Golf Course and all the way into Verona Park. Brookdale has a lot...

Brookdale Throws A Carnival

Brookdale Avenue School’s SCA will host the first annual “Brookdale Boardwalk Carnival” on October 16. The event, which will take place from 10 a.m....

Back To Back-To-School Nights

There are a lot of events on the MyVeronaNJ calendar, especially  in the Schools category. But you might want to put the six dates...

Brookdale Bikes For Brain Research

Brookdale Avenue School students will be riding their bikes and scooters to school on Monday, June 21--and it's all for a good cause. The kids...
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