Tracy MacDonald

Crock It! Asian Chicken Thighs

In my ever-present search for "something other than chicken" for dinner, I stumbled on a recipe for...... chicken. Seriously, if you ask my kids,...

Shoo Fly Pie

Shoo Fly Pie. Yes, that's correct. Generally speaking, this is either a familiar, comforting, bring-back-memories-of-grandma pie, or something reminiscent of an old song. In my case,...

Arthritis Advocates Visit Washington

On March 14-15, my daughter and I, along with nearly 400 people from 46 states and the District of Columbia, gathered in Washington, D.C. for...

HBW Students Participate In Future City Competition

What would a city 150 years in the future look like? How would the buildings be designed? Where would people live? How would they travel? What...

Verona United Soccer Players Accepted Into Olympic Development Program

Hard work. Talent. Dedication. More hard work. Any parent, and child, in Verona who has tried a sport and stayed with it from kindergarten through high...

HBW Library Wins James Patterson Grant

Jennifer Kleinknecht, media specialist at H.B. Whitehorne Middle School, received a grant last month that she plans to put to extremely good use. For the...
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