Letter: See Where State Legislature Candidates Stand On Guns


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Dear Editor,

Yet another mass shooting in Maine this week should remind all of us in New Jersey how important it is that our state has strong, common-sense gun laws to keep residents safe. This November, we have a clear choice: voting for Republican candidates for state assembly, Senator Kristin Corrado and Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips, who have consistently voted against common-sense laws and who have received “A” ratings from the NRA, or voting for the Democratic candidates for legislative office in the 40th who believe in common sense gun violence prevention legislation. Democratic Candidate Jennifer Ehrentraut for State Senate and Giovanna Irizarry and Jennifer Marrinan for State Assembly all received the Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction for their dedication to laws that save lives. The choice between what is right for real families and what is good for the NRA could not be more stark.

Republican candidates Corrado and DePhillips both voted against gun violence prevention laws that are basic foundations to keep residents safe. In 2018, New Jersey passed a “red flag” law, allowing law enforcement or family members to apply for protective orders against a person who poses a danger to themselves or others and remove guns temporarily from their possession (A1217/S2259). Both Senator Corrado and Assemblyman DePhillips voted against this common-sense measure that has since been used hundreds of times in New Jersey to prevent suicides and other tragedies, like the one we saw play out in Maine this week. In the same legislative session, Senator Corrado and Assemblyman DePhillips also voted against another common-sense gun violence prevention bill that limited ammunition purchases to 10 rounds (A2761/S102). They also more recently voted against a bill to bring New Jersey’s archaic laws into the 21st century by moving the required tracking of handgun ammunition sales from paper records to electronic records (A1302/S2903). The bill allows law enforcement to be more effective and prevent crimes before they occur. Do you want to live in a state where family members have no recourse to prevent a tragedy by one of their family members by invoking the red flag laws? And where people can purchase an unlimited amount of ammunition?

New Jersey has some of the best gun violence prevention laws in the country, receiving an “A” from the Giffords Annual Scorecard, and ranking 48 out of 50 for annual gun deaths. Let’s continue to put the safety of New Jersey residents first. We cannot vote into office legislators like Corrado and DePhillips who value the approval of the NRA over the safety of our residents. Vote for Ehrentraut, Irizarry and Marrinan on Tuesday, November 7, candidates who support common sense laws that make it less likely for our children to be caught in these tragedies and which the majority of Americans support.

Laura Morowitz
Verona NJ

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  1. Laura Morowitz,

    Your comments on New Jerseys “strong” gun laws are no more than gun control tying the hands of law abiding gun owners hands behind our backs. How do they keep the people safe from criminals? Do criminals follow New Jersey’s gun laws having only ten rounds in a magazine or follow the laws on places they are and aren’t allowed to carry?

    When it comes to common sense gun laws let’s take the hand cuffs off the law abiding citizens whom wish to only protect themselves and their loved ones and start putting the criminals behind bars and keeping them there.

    Lastly I leave you with this. what happens if we lose the Second Amendment? We will become a police state with no other Amendments to protect us from government controlling what we say, thing, and your religious beliefs. Gun owners will be on the front line when tyranny strikes. Where will you be?

  2. There isn’t a gun law that criminals don’t like…they disarm law abiding citizens the right to protect them selves….there are a lot of mentally disturbed people who shouldn’t have a firearm…I, as most people, agree with that. We need to prosecute the criminals, not give them a slap on the wrist and a plea bargain. I agree 100% with what Jeffrey says!!

  3. I agree with Laura Morowitz’s views. There is an urgent need for common sense gun regulation in this country. For example, no high capacity assault style rifles should be available to the public. There is no justification for having such weapons. Political leaders who support the status quo of our gun laws are ultimately responsible for thousands and thousands of deaths in our country.

    A few other points:

    * Homes that have guns are far more likely to experience gun injuries – and deaths – than those that don’t.
    * Many Western European countries such as Italy, France, and Germany have common sense gun regulations and the last time I checked, they are not considered police states.

    Thank you, Laura, for having the courage to express your views. You are not alone.

    Dr. John Gasiewski

  4. So ridiculous and gullible to think criminals will follow New Jersey gun laws! Don’t you realize that the 2nd Amendment was written to protect you from your own government? The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing. Don’t convince yourself that you are smarter than them.

  5. With the recent shooting in Maine, there were massive red flags that were ignored, as in many of the prior shootings. Had those in power did their job, that shooting would have been totally prevented. That shooter had long before this shooting legally purchased his guns. You will not stop a crazy for carrying out nasty deeds. NJ history is defy the Supreme Court in giving its citizens the RIGHT to carry and defend oneself.
    Time to FLIP Trenton


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