Police Report Bear Sighting


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The Verona Police Department said this morning that there has been a confirmed sighting of a bear in Montclair.

If you see a bear in Verona, the police are reminding residents to stay away from the animal and call the main police department number, 973-239-5000. The photo above is of a bear that was exploring a backyard on Hamilton Road in 2017.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Fish & Wildlife Division has an information page on black bears in New Jersey. It includes preventative steps that you can take at home to keep bears out of your garbage cans as well as safety tips if you are out hiking in the woods. There is also a section of the website to help you talk to your children about bears.

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  1. The bear was on top of the Kips Castle, trying to get into the dumpster near the Monastery at 8pm.

  2. Still here. He was wandering around the Wedgewood Gardens apartments and Hamilton Road today.


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