Lions Seek Community Donations For Ukraine


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Last October, the Verona Lions Club sent about $20,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies to Ukraine from its own hospital loan closet to meet the needs of those affected by Russia’s unprovoked attack on the country. That war is still going on, so the club is looking to send more medical relief to Ukraine–this time with the help of the Verona community.

Many Ukrainian civilians have been injured in Russia’s attacks.

From Monday, June 17, through Friday, July 19, the club will be accepting donations of medical and personal care supplies for Ukrainian hospitals, which it will send through the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC). Items on the list below can be dropped off in the designated boxes in the lobbies of the Verona Community Center or Town Hall during business hours. Verona town officials will store the donations until the UUARC can send a truck to pick them up.

“We’re very grateful that the Lions Club is interested in doing this,” says Motria Horodysky, a Verona resident with Ukrainian roots who was involved in the original supply drive and is once again helping to get the word out.

The club says that it is simply responding to a need. “There’s not one Ukrainian on the Verona Lions Club,” says Andy Burger, a club member who is helping to coordinate the new relief effort.

Supplies arrive in western Ukraine.

All of this is very much appreciated at the Philadelphia-based UUARC. “When the war happened, Ukraine didn’t have a stockpile of supplies,” says Motrja Watters, its executive director. “People responded.” In the first year of the war, UUARC was able to send 44 large shipping containers with supplies, as well as several airlifts. But support has waned since then, even though the need remains great. Last year, the nonprofit sent 20 containers and it has filled only four containers so far in 2024. “We would like to send two every month,” says Watters. “There are such great needs,”  she adds.

More than 20,000 civilians are believed to have been seriously injured or disabled in the Russian aggression; military injuries may be five times higher.  The casualties most often occur in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border. The injured are treated locally, but moved to hospitals in western Ukraine that treat military personnel and civilians as soon as possible.

“We can’t help with the big stuff,” Watters says of the war, “but we can help the hospitals and rehab facilities.”

Supplies Needed In Ukraine

The Verona Lions Club is asking the community to donate unused and unopened supplies with minimum of a nine-month expiration date. Donations can be dropped in the collection boxes at Verona Community Center or Town Hall during business hours.

Medical Supplies

  • Bandages (elastic and non-elastic) all sizes
  • Sterile gauze all sizes (rolled and pads)
  • First aid ointments
  • Medical tape
  • Disposable gloves
  • Trauma kits
  • Splints
The United Ukrainian American Relief Committee would like to send two containers of supplies to Ukraine every month.

Hygiene Supplies

  • Bar soap
  • Travel shampoo
  • Combs and brushes
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Disposable razors and shaving cream
  • Deodorants
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Lotions
  • Sanitary products for women
  • Baby formula, baby diapers (all sizes), baby wipes
  • Adult diapers, patient undergarments (all sizes)
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  1. This is a great opportunity for the community to contribute directly to the citizens of Ukraine. The Lions equipment got there last year via containers and your donation of basic supplies will be very helpful!
    Thank you!


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