Question 1, Shared Services: Rob Caruso Response

What specific cost-cutting or service-sharing tactic from another town would you like to bring to Verona and why?

I believe that the tax burden in Verona is strangling many residents and they are being forced to consider whether they can afford to live here. There are two ways that I feel best address this issue:

1. Bring new sources of revenue into the equation. Verona does sell services to other towns now but more needs to be done. Solar panels are encouraged by both state and federal governments and they offer programs to subsidize a large portion of the start up costs. If Verona could generate its own source of alternate energy, it would significantly reduce what the town has to pay, and we may even be able to sell excess energy to PSE&G, who is required by law to pay the market value for any energy that is given to them. There are other ways to create revenue and they should be aggressively pursued by the town.

2. Realize savings through the sharing of services. Space doesn’t allow for me to elaborate fully, and I ask you to visit my website for a thorough explanation. The Government Efficiency Movement (GEM) has created many new ideas that are already being implemented throughout New Jersey. Trenton is also studying the sharing of services. The bottom line is that changes are occurring in New Jersey already and we can’t wait for others to tell us what is best for us. We should be leading the way with other West Essex municipalities and Essex County.