Question 2, New Services: Bruce Williams Response

If you could add one new service to Verona’s budget, what would it be?

I would like to investigate the formation of a Youth Awareness Center in Verona. I feel that our youth is where the future lies. Every person has a great potential. This center would be there to help our youth realize what their potentials are.

The attention would be equally spread among all youth in the greater West Essex area that will form a greater camaraderie between towns. In some cases there are youths that don’t feel connected and fall between the cracks. There is a need for all youths to reach and share experiences at all levels.

Common interests that would be affected but not limited are the arts, music, drama, theater, dance, athletics or I.T.  Different volunteer or civic groups within the towns can supervise this center with the help of peer leaders. It will form a greater awareness among those who have a tough time connecting.